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Mindful Living

Home: Welcome
Pause — Notice —Stay

Hello, I'm

Sari (name transparent)

I help people cultivate mindfulness and live with more peace and joy. I grew up in Japan, had the privilege of living in Bali, and now reside in the serene Texas Hill Country in the U.S. where my partner and I host private retreats. I have taught mindfulness, holistic wellness, and meditation for 15 years.  


I'm also a Board Certified Coach (certified by the Center for Credentialing and Education). I help people clarify and achieve what they want in life. Learn more about my life coaching service here. 

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Image by Masaaki Komori

Reduce Stress with Mindfulness

6-week course based on the scientifically-proven effective Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program.

Image by he zhu

Life Coaching

Stay calm in times of uncertainty, create a life you love,
and grow into the person you want to be.

Mindful Art

Practice mindfulness and enjoy peace while engaging in the art


Enter silence to listen to your heart and connect with your inner wisdom

What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness is the conscious effort to focus on what is happening

at the moment, internally and externally.

It is about being fully present here and now. As you cultivate mindfulness, your life will become full and rich because your mind focuses on truth in the present moment instead of wandering the fantasy worlds of the past and future. You will see the beauty hidden under the surface and tune into peace more easily.

Transform your life through mindfulness

Mindful living will change you and your relationships with others.

You will become less swayed by the regret over the past or worry about the future. By accepting and fully experiencing whatever feeling that comes up at the moment, you will cultivate emotional strength and become more resilient. You will also see the true nature of your family, friends, and co-workers since you fully listen to them without judgment. Here are some other benefits of mindful living:       

・Less stress, anxiety, negativity, and depression

・More calm, peace, and joy

・Better concentration, understanding, and decision-making

・Gain clarity, insights, and perspectives

・Increased productivity and energy

・Improved mental and physical health

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Practice mindful living

You can practice mindfulness anywhere, anytime.

Image from walking meditation_edited.jpg

Just observe and notice what is happening in your heart, mind, and body without attaching any story. When you catch yourself thinking about what you have noticed, just acknowledge your thought, drop it, and return to the observation mode. In the same way, observe and acknowledge whatever is happening around you without forming any opinions or reacting. When you interact with people, pay full attention to what they say without judgment.                  

・Do one thing at a time (take a break from multitasking)

・Focus your full attention

・Fully experience your emotion

・Let go of judgment and expectation

Mindful practice is ongoing work. Just like brushing your teeth every day, practice mindfulness every day. Be patient and gentle with yourself. It takes time to cultivate mindfulness.

If you stay with the practice, you will notice a change in how you feel about yourself and others.

There will be no way back once you begin fostering mindfulness.

You will have more clarity and won't want to return to how you used to be!

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"Live the actual moment. Only this actual moment is life.” 

― Thich Nhat Hanh

Copyright © Sari Fujimaru 

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